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技术编号:6046639 阅读:363 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

BLS resistance related gene DEPG1 and its encoding protein and Application

BLS resistance related gene DEPG1 and its encoding protein and application. Involved in rice gene, providing BLS resistance related gene DEPG1 and its encoding protein and application. BLS resistance related gene DEPG1 can be used to improve the resistance to bacterial leaf streak of rice cultivation, enhance bacterial streak resistance of rice. Bacterial leaf streak disease average length of BLS related DEPG1 gene RNA interference transgenic plants strains significantly less than in the T1 control, showed that the RNA gene silencing in transgenic plants can significantly improve the resistance to bacterial leaf streak of rice. It provides an important way for breeding rice with resistance to bacterial stripe disease. However, it is of great significance to reduce the use of pesticides and increase grain yield by producing rice with resistance to bacterial streak disease.


水稻细菌条斑病(Rice Bacterial Streak,简称为水稻细条病)是水稻生产中的一个重要病害,属全国农业植物检疫性对象,1918年菲律宾首次报道。1953年,中国最早在珠江三角洲发现,国内主要分布在华南稻区,近年来在长江流域杂交晚稻上亦有大面积发生。水稻细条病对籼稻的危害性最大,近10多年来,已上升为华南、中南稻区上的主要细菌病害,其危害程度已超过水稻白叶枯病,减产达5% 25%。目前,在东南亚各国和非洲中部都有发生。水稻细条病的病原为稻生黄单胞杆菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzicola), 属薄壁菌门黄单胞杆菌科黄单胞杆菌属。该菌主要侵染水稻、陆稻、野生稻,也可侵染李氏禾等禾本科植物。防治细菌性条斑病必须加强检疫,杜绝病菌传播,选用抗病品种,培育无病壮秧,加强肥水管理和及时进行用药控制。在植物中,通过增强或者干扰某个或某些相关基因(尤其抗性相关基因)的表达可以提高植物对病害的抗性。其中干扰基因表达的方法有超量表达正义基因、基因反义表达、双链RNA介导的RNA干扰和人工微小RNA干扰等多种,而RNA干扰(RNAinterference, RNAi),即双链RNA介导的特异性基因沉默是较为有效而易行的干扰基因表达方法之一。 一些研究表明,表达发夹式双链RNAQiairpin RNAi)比表达一般双链RNA (非发夹式)具有更好的干扰效果。这种表达发夹式双链RNA的RNAi技术显著特征是在正义DNA序列和反义序列之间加入一个内含子,而使经过转录加工和拼接后产生的双链RNA呈发夹结构,这样更能有效引起靶标基因mRNA的降解(1、Smith, N. Α.,S.P.Singh,et al. Total silencing by intron-splicedhairpin RNAs. Nature. 2000. 407(6802) 319-320 ;2> Wesley, S. V. , C. A. Helliwell, et al. Construct design for efficient, effective and high-throughput gene silencing in plants. PlantJ. 2001. 27(6) :581_590)。RNAi技术在植物性状改良应用方面的报道很多,有研究报道,通过RNAi技术干扰棉花中脂肪酸脱饱和酶基因的表达可改良棉籽油成分(3、Liu, Q.,S. P. Singh, et al. High-stearic andHigh—oleic cottonseed oils produced by hairpin RNA—mediated post-transcriptional genesilencing. Plant Physiol.2002. 129(4) :1732_1743·); 另有研究表明,用RNAi技术抑制黄苷甲基转移酶基因CaMXMTl的表达可以降低转基因植株中可可碱和咖啡因的含量,从而有望获得脱咖啡因的可可品种(4、Ogita, S.,H. Uefuji, et al. Application of RNAi to confirmtheobromine as the major intermediate for caffeine biosynthesis in coffee plants with potential forconstruction of decaffeinated varieties . Plant Mol Biol. 2004. 54 (6) :931_941.)。在植物抗病虫害方面的应用,有研究报道用RNAi干扰烟草中根结线虫基因MjTislK转录因子)可导致根结线虫大量减少(5、Fairbairn,D. J.,Α. S. CavalIaro, et al. Host-deliveredRNAi :an effective strategyto silence genes in plant parasitic nematodes. Planta. 2007. 226(6) : 1525-1533.)。用RNAi技术在玉米中表达玉米根虫双链RNA,可以降低玉米根虫取食造成的损害(6> Baum, J. A.,T. Bogaert, et al. . Control of coleopteran insect pests through RNA interference.NatureBiotechnology.2007.25 (11) 1322-1326)。在水稻中,许多研究报道,通过RNAi干扰一些重要病害防御基因提高水稻病害抗性,抑制MPK6、0sWRKY45-l、0sSSI2和OsPLD β 1表达能够相应增强病害的抗性(7、Yuan, B. , X. Shen, et al. Mitogen—activated protein kinase 0sMPK6negatively regulates rice disease resistance to bacterial pathogens. Planta. 2007. 226(4) :953-960; 8、Tao, Ζ. , H. Liu, et al. A pair of allelic WRKY genes play opposite roles in rice-bacteriainteractions. Plant Physiol.2009.151 (2) :936-948 ;9> Jiang, C. J., Μ. Shimono, et al. Suppression ofthe rice fatty-acid desaturase gene 0sSSI2 enhances resistance to blast and leaf blight diseases inrice. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2009.22 (7) :820-829 ; 10、Yamaguchi, Τ. , M. Kuroda, et al. Suppression of a phospholipase D gene, OsPLDbetal, activates defense responses and increasesdisease resistance in rice. Plant Physiol. 2009. 150(1) :308-319.)。
本专利技术的第一目的在于提供水稻细条病抗性相关基因DEPG1。本专利技术的第二目的在于提供水稻细条病抗性相关基因DEPGl编码的蛋白。本专利技术的第三目的在于提供水稻细条病抗性相关基因DEPGl在培育细菌条斑病抗性增强的水稻中的应用。所述水稻细条病抗性相关基因DEPGl的核苷酸序列如序列表中的SEQ ID No 1所7J\ ο所述水稻细条病抗性相关基因DEPGl编码的蛋白的氨基酸序列如序列表中的SEQ IDNo 2 所示。所述水稻细本文档来自技高网

1.水稻细条病抗性相关基因DEPG1,其特征在于其核苷酸序列为序列表中的SEQ ID No:1。



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