
技术编号:9617502 阅读:83 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 04:54

Integrated circuit open / short test method and tester

The invention relates to an integrated circuit OS testing machine, which comprises a control unit, a power supply module, test socket, scan test module, indication module and a control button; test socket is used for inserting IC; scan test module includes a current generating circuit, switch control circuit and voltage testing circuit, current generation circuit for providing a constant current through the test the socket pins of the IC switch, the control circuit is used to control the grounding pin IC, voltage test circuit for voltage test pin; the control button is used to control the testing machine in the scanning mode and test mode switching; the control unit is used to get the pin yield distribution of IC in scanning recognition mode, and to test the IC open / short circuit testing and failure information output to the indication module failure information indicator under test mode. The invention also relates to an integrated circuit OS testing method. The invention only needs to place a good product IC for scanning identification at the beginning, and then the continuous testing of the measured IC can be carried out later.





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