
技术编号:9617499 阅读:74 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 04:54

Testing structure and testing method for minimum spacing of interconnection structure

Test structure and test method of interconnection structure of minimum distance, including the test structure: the first test end, second test terminal and MOS transistor is located between the two; the test unit includes a first interconnect, a plurality of first and second parallel interconnect interconnect, interconnect second and the same number of third interconnect in second the interconnect surface of the conductive plug, the spacing between second different interconnects with the first interconnect different conductive plug surface with the same third of each test unit and the first interconnect spacing same second interconnect corresponding interconnects connected; the gate of a MOS transistor and the test unit the first interconnect electrical connection, third test end and the interconnection line connecting third. The test structure using the embodiment of the invention only needs to be tested once for each type of spacing, and can greatly reduce the test time, and the test is simple and convenient.





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