
技术编号:22757960 阅读:21 留言:0更新日期:2019-12-07 05:12

Robot positioning method and device

A robot (100) positioning method and device, wherein the robot (100) is equipped with an encoder, wherein the robot (100) is matched with a predetermined orbit (200), and the predetermined orbit (200) is equipped with a matching piece (210) matched with the encoder; the method includes: controlling the robot (100) to move along a predetermined orbit (200); acquiring the path of the robot (100) movement based on the encoder; when the encoder meets the triggering conditions According to the position information of the mating part (210), the distance is calibrated; according to the real-time distance of the encoder, the real-time position of the robot (100) is determined. The positioning method and device of the robot (100) can eliminate the accumulated error of the encoder through the cooperation of the encoder on the robot (100) and the fitting piece (210) on the predetermined orbit (200), and realize the precise positioning of the robot (100), which is conducive to the implementation of the subsequent implementation strategies of the robot (100) (such as base defense, attack fortress and other decisions); the cost is low.





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