
技术编号:9627049 阅读:194 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 17:06

Suspension and conveying structure of tricycle carriage and frame

The utility model discloses a high efficiency motorcycle, car frame group hung suspended conveying structure, including suspension conveyor chain and conveyor chain balance hanger hung on the hanging below the frame assembly through a plurality of frame hanging chain, frame hook and shackle frame hanging in the balance hanger on the upper end of the suspension frame the chain is connected through the end of the shackle and balance hanger frame, is connected with the end of the lower end of the frame by frame hanging chain hook and frame assembly, a carriage assembly hung above the vehicle assembly, the carriage assembly through a number of car suspension chain, hook and carriage the car in the middle of the balanced suspension shackle hanger on the upper end of the car suspension chain are connected by a middle carriage shackle and balance hanger, the lower the car suspension chain The carriage hook is connected with the end of the carriage assembly.





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