
技术编号:6048960 阅读:199 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

mobile device

The invention provides a mobile device, which comprises a shell body and a moving device movement. The shell comprises a first input module and a second input module. The movement of the mobile device detachably assembled on the shell, and the movement of the mobile device comprises a display module. When the mobile device in the first movement of the shell is assembled in the assembly mode, the display module and the first input module is located on the same side of the shell, and the first input module can be enabled to operate the mobile device. When the mobile device movement with second assembled in the shell assembly mode, the display module and the second input module is located on the same side of the shell, and the second input module can be enabled to operate the mobile device. The invention can also use a single mobile device movement change different shell, with various types of input module, to provide users with more diverse and convenient mode of operation.





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