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技术编号:6047075 阅读:206 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

The crispy dried meat floss processing method

The present invention relates to a method for processing crisp fried dried meat floss, the raw meat peeled, bone, fascia and connective tissue and fat, soaked with water for cleaning the surface of the meat and blood stains. Place the pork slices in the pot and cook for about 40 minutes. Until the meat center is red, remove and cool. Press the cooked meat fiber loosely. Fried pine: soup with good first into the pot, and then the meat into the pot, frying machine in 180 to 230 DEG C. The fry stains 1.5 2h, dried meat floss was golden velvet like you can pan cooling. The packaging and storage of dried meat floss. The invention not only shorten the processing time, and has been a significant improvement in the texture and taste of dried meat floss, dried meat floss, resembling velvet fibers loose, golden color, high protein and low fat food.


1.香酥肉松的加工方法,包括如下步骤:(1)原料肉的处理1.1选料  原料肉选新鲜的后腿肉去皮、骨、筋膜、结缔组织和肥膘,因为这些瘦肉肌纤维长,制成的产品丝绒长,品质好。结蹄组织剔除一定要彻底,否则解热过程中胶原蛋白水解后,导致成品粘连成团影响感官;1.2切肉  顺着肌肉丝切成后3-4cm,长8-9cm的肉块,以保持肉松的纤维长度;1.3浸泡  用清水浸泡清洗肉表面的余血和污渍后沥干;(2)原料肉的煮制:将分割后的肉块放入锅内用开水煮至肉块中心断红,用筷子稍用力夹肉胚时,肌肉纤维能分散即可捞出冷却。煮的过程中把浮在表面的油沫撇掉,这对保证产品的质量至关重要。将蒸煮后的肉块纤维打压松散;(3)配料(单位:kg)原料肉50、酱油5、白糖5.0、食盐1.5、黄酒2.0、香辛料0.4;(4)炒松:将配好的汤料先放入炒松机内,然后将打压好的肉块倒入锅内,用中火炒渍1.5-2h至肉丝肌纤维松散,减少活力改用文火烤、炒至颜色变为金黄色,肌纤维呈绒丝状即可出锅冷却;(5)拣松:拣去肉松中的焦块、肉块等杂质,提高成品质量;(6)包装:采用玻璃瓶包装。



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