
技术编号:15525483 阅读:96 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 13:44

Preservation solution for peripheral blood sample of pregnant woman and method for preserving peripheral blood sample of pregnant woman

The present invention discloses a preservation solution for peripheral blood samples of pregnant women and a method for preserving peripheral blood samples of pregnant women. The application of preservation solution consists of a fluid and apoptosis inhibitor, apoptosis inhibitor alsever's solution: the volume ratio of 5 15:0.03 0.1. The application of the first solution will save alsever's solution and apoptosis inhibitor in maternal peripheral blood, can effectively delay the apoptosis of the peripheral blood cells of pregnant women to maintain the index of cells, the samples keep fresh; and can maintain cell shape, provide nutrients, for cells to maintain the physical cell chemical properties; lay the foundation for the subsequent centrifugation of nucleated red blood cells and other rare cells and flow cytometry, a large number of fresh keeping of nuclear red blood cells, the accuracy of non-invasive prenatal diagnosis provides a guarantee.





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