一种DNA 合成产物的高通量检测方法技术

技术编号:15917486 阅读:23 留言:0更新日期:2017-08-02 02:53

High throughput detection method for DNA synthesis product

The invention discloses a high-throughput DNA synthetic product detection method, comprising the following steps: multiple DNA components were inserted into cloning vector and transferred to the screening of strains, screened clones connected with DNA components; respectively the number of clones, and develop the corresponding cloning broth; the same number of the selected clones liquid mixing and Plasmid Extraction; connection sequencing labels, constructing a hybrid sequencing library, in which different mixed sequencing library sequencing tags are different; by high-throughput sequencing, sequence of DNA components; compared with the reference sequence, with DNA synthesis target DNA assembly accuracy. The method of the invention adopts a hybrid library construction strategy to apply high throughput sequencing technology to the detection of DNA chip synthesis products, thereby reducing the product detection and the screening cost of the correct product.





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