
技术编号:8932410 阅读:184 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 00:19

Method for preparing electroforming mask positioning point

The invention provides a method for electroforming mask positioning (Mark) preparation method comprises the following steps: the image file in the production of Mark design for opening for imaging through exposure mode, dry film after development at the Mark point to form the corresponding dry film; for the first time in the core after developing electroforming on the formation of thin coating, and then remove the photosensitive film; wash the position of Mark, keep the graphics area opening film, a through hole is formed in the Mark position; back into the plating bath for second times to remove the required thickness of electroforming, fabricated electroforming plate, forming the Mark point in the blind hole; the Mark point add Mark vinyl, vinyl does not exceed the height of electroforming board, such as casting Mark fabricated by electroforming. The invention can produce high contrast Mark, improve the Mark point recognition; Mark wear production, not easy to be cleaned; in addition, the invention can make the high position accuracy of Mark points, Mark points at the same time to solve the problem of insufficient blackness. ?





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