
技术编号:6609289 阅读:332 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40


膳食纤维是人类健康饮食的重要组成成分,可分为可溶性膳食纤维(SDF)和不溶性膳食纤维(IDF)两部分。其中IDF主要包括纤维素、半纤维素和木质素等不能被人体消化酶水解的碳水化合物,它广泛存在于蔬菜和粮食作物中,在肠道内吸水膨胀后可以防止或减少便秘的产生。富含膳食纤维的食物在人体内代谢缓慢,食物中的营养成分慢慢地被人体吸收,这种缓慢的消化过程增加了人体粪便排除的体积,有利于降低患结肠癌的风险。有实验表明,谷物IDF可以减少患糖尿病的危险。IDF潜在的人体保健作用使得高纤维食品的不断地被开发,苹果、柑橘类及甘蓝菜的副产物已经被用来加工成膳食纤维产品。IDF作为食品填充剂可以用来制备低能量食品,在饼干、糖果、饮料、调味料、甜点、 酸奶中被广泛应用。山茱萸作为传统中药已有两千多年的历史。在我国,山茱萸产品如山茱萸酒、饮料、蜜饯和口服液等发展良好。在日本和韩国它还被广泛用作滋补品、镇痛剂和利尿剂。半干燥去籽后的山茱萸还可以用来治疗肝功能衰竭、肾虚以及糖尿病。山茱萸中环烯醚萜总甙被证实可以抑制高级糖基化终产物的形成,恢复血管活性因子和细胞因子的活性水平 M。山茱萸齐墩果酸可以提高大鼠胰岛素的分泌。目前,大部分研究集中于山茱萸果实提取物中,而忽略了山茱萸果渣作为膳食纤维资源的开发。根据申请人所作的资料检索,还没有关于山茱萸果渣作为膳食纤维的生产方法。以下是申请人检索到的与本专利技术工艺生产的相关参考文献,需要说明的是,其中部分相关文献在本申请中被应用。 Sowbhagya H B,Florence Suma P,Mahadevamma S,et ah Spend residue from cumin - a potential source of dietary fiber . Food Chemistry,2007,104 : 1220-1225o Jenkins D, Wolever T,Rao A V, et ah Effect of blood lipids of very high intakes of fiber in diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol . The New England Journal of Medicine,1993, 329 :21 — 26。 Sudha M L,Vetrimani R,Leelavathi K. Influence of fiber from different cereals on the Theological characteristics of wheat flour dough and on biscuit quality . Food Chemistry,2007,100 :1365_1370o Morita T,Tanabe H,Ito H,et ah Long-Term ingestion of insoluble dietary fiber increases luminal mucin content, but has no effect on nutrient absorption in Rats . Biosci,Biotechnol,and Biochem.,2008,72 (3) :767 _ 772。 Weickert M 0,Pfeiffer A F H. Metabolic effects of dietary fiberconsumption and prevention of diabetes . The Journal of Nutrition,2008, 138(3) :439-442。 Chantaro P,Devahastin S,Chiewchan N. Production of antioxidant high dietary fiber powder from carrot peel . LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2008,41 :1987-1994o Larrauri J A. New approaches in the preparation of high dietary fiber powders from fruit by-products . Trends Food Science and Technology, 1999,10:3-8。 Wu V CiQiu XiPeggy Hsieh Y-H. Evaluation of Escherichia coli 0157 H7 in apple juice with Cornus fruit {Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.) extract by conventional media and thin agar layer method . Food Microbiology,2008, 25 :190-195o Xu H Q,Hao H P. Effects of Iridoid Total Glycoside from Cornus officinalison Prevention of Glomerular Overexpression of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 and Matrixes in an Experimental Diabetes Model . Biol. Pharm. Bull,2004,27 (7) :1014_1018。 Hsu J H, Wu Y C, Liu I M,et aL Release of acetylcholine to raise insulin secretion in Wistar rats by oleanolic acid,one of the active principles contained in Cornus officinalis . Neuroscience Letters,2006,404 :112 - 116。 Liew S L,Ariff, A B,Raha A R,et ah Optimization of medium composition for the production of a probiotic microorganism, Lactobacillus rhamnosus,using response surface methodology . International Journal of Food Microbiology,2005,102 :137 - 142。 Lee W C,Yusof S,Hamid N S A. Optimizing conditions for hot water extraction of banana juice using response surface methodology (RSM) . Journal of Food Engineering,2006,75 :473_47本文档来自技高网...

1.一种山茱萸果渣不溶性膳食纤维的制备方法,其特征在于,按下列步骤制备:步骤一,将去核挤压果汁后剩余的山茱萸果渣用纯净水洗净,将山茱萸果渣用食用酒精冲洗两遍,然后置于50℃烘箱内干燥,粉碎至380μm,将山茱萸果渣粉末浸泡在正己烷中除去脂类成山茱萸果渣不溶性膳食纤维。物质,浸泡后挥发除去正己烷;步骤二,正己烷浸泡后山茱萸果渣粉末,加入适量NaOH,置于60℃水浴锅中2h后,4000 r/min下离心10min,沉淀,NaOH溶液冲洗,再沉淀,用水洗至中性;步骤三,将洗至中性的沉淀物真空干燥,粉碎过筛,制



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