
技术编号:1537411 阅读:169 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

,特别是垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活 肽在水生生物培养中的用途。当将该肽通过浸没、注射或作为食物添 加剂应用于水生生物时,获得了这些生物的食欲的增加,更大的生长 和存活率,优良的免疫活性和促乳素释放的增加。现有技术垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活肽(PACAP)在1989年首次从牛下丘脑中 分离,并且证实其刺激生长激素分泌的能力是通过腺苷酸环化酶激活 来实现的(Miyata等人(1989 ) Isolation of a novel 38 residue hypothalamic polypeptide which stimulates adenylate cyclase in pi tui tary eel Is. 5/oc力e迈.Aes. CoiH迈u/ . 164: 567—574 )。 PACAP属于包括肠促胰液素、胰高血糖素和血管活性肠肽的肽家族 (Arimura 和 Shioda ( 1995 ) Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide( PACAP )and its receptors: Neuroendocrine and endocrine interaction.尸ro/ L Wei/r0e/3docT//207. 16: 53—88 )。 在哺乳动物中,PACAP的前体和生长激素释放激素(GHRH)由2种不 同基因编码(Hosoya等人(1992 ) Structure of the human pituitary adenylate cyclase-activat ing polypeptide ( PACAP ) gen. Woc力/瓜 "/op力^. Jc". 1129: 199-206 )。在迄今为止研究的所有亚哺乳动 物(submammalian)物种(鸟类、爬行动物和鱼类)中,GHRH和PACAP 肽由相同基因编码并且包含在相同前体中(Montero等人(2000 ) Molecularevolutionofthegrowthhormone-releasing hormone/pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide gene family. Functional implication in the regulation of growth hormone secretion, /our/7a7 o/*#o_/ec. A/7docr//20/. 25: 157—168 )。 PACAP基因基本上在下述部位中表达中枢和外周神经系统、支配眼 的神经纤维、呼吸道、唾液腺、胃肠道、生殖系统器官、胰腺和泌尿 道。它也在肾上腺、生殖腺和免疫细胞中合成(Sherwood等人(2000 ) The origin and function of the Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP) /Glucagon Superfamily. f油c"."e i e"e"l: 619-670 ) 。 PACAP显示出不同的生物功能, 这与其在不同组织中的各种分布以及其促垂体、神经传递、神经调节和血管调节活性相一致(Chatterjee等人(1997 ) Genomic organization of the rat pituitary adenylate cyclase-act ivat ing polypeptide receptor gene. Alternative splicing within the 59-untranslated region. /. Wo/. C力e迈.272: 12122-12131 )。它参与细胞分裂、分化和死亡的调节(Sherwood等人(2000 ) The origin y function of the Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase—Act ivat ing Polypeptide ( PACAP ) /Glucagon Superfami ly. ^Wocr//7e WeF/e^21: 619-670)。PACAP刺激生长激素(GH )释放。该肽在GH释放中的效应已在体 外在几种哺乳动物物种、鸟类、两栖类(Hu等人(2000 ) Characterization and messenger ribonucleic acid distribution of a cloned pituitary adenylate cyclase-act ivat ing polypeptide type I receptor in the frog Je/70;^ 7ae".s brain. 141: 657-665 )和鱼类(Anderson L. L.等人(2004 ) Growth Hormone Secretion: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms and In Vivo Approaches. Soc/ef/ /"or i"jr/7er2.迈.S/o人 a/2d #ed. 229: 291-302 ) 中得到证实。关于PACAP在体内GH分泌和释放中的作用的研究很少。 迄今为止,已知这种肽在体内增加大鼠血浆(Jarr等人(1992 ) Contrasting effects of pituitary adenylate cyclase activatingpolypeptide (PACAP) on//7 y细and//7 prolactin and growthhormone release in male rats. Z7尸e 5W. 51: 823-830 )和牛血 浆(Radcliff等人(2001 ) Pituitary adenylate cyclase-act ivat ing polypeptide induces secretion of growth hormone in cattle, 肠e"/c细'迈a人Endocrinol. 21: 187-196 )中的GH水平。然而, 在母绵羊(Sawangjaroen和Cur lewis ( 1994 ) Eff ects of pituitary adenylate eye laseact ivat ing polypept ide ( PACAP ) and vasoact ive intestinal polypeptide ( VIP ) on prolactin, luteinizing hormone and growth hormone secretion in the ewe. /. #ewc>e/7cfo<7r//7o/. 6: 549-555 )和人(Chiodera等人(1996 ) Effects of intravenously infused pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptid本文档来自技高网...

用于增加鱼类或甲壳类培养物的生产率的方法,其包括以对于刺激其生长或增加其抗病力或两者来说有效的量给培养中的鱼类或甲壳类饲喂或施用根据序列SEQ ID No 12、SEQ ID No 13和SEQ ID No 14的神经肽PACAP。



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