
技术编号:1472683 阅读:170 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Stepped activated lime furnace

The invention discloses a ladder shaped active lime furnace, which is composed of a preheating zone, a calcining zone and a cooling zone is composed of three parts, the calcining zone by heating furnace burner, the calcination zone by at least four steps on the wide and narrow cavity composed of calcination, a row is connected with the external operation push rod control device installation each step. The adoption of the invention reduces the sulfur content and the impurity content of the lime, effectively ensures the calcination quality of the limestone and can be automatically controlled or artificially controlled on the operation. The heat efficiency is high, and the shell temperature can be controlled within 80 degrees. With the size of the lime shaft furnace, ladder shaped active lime furnace investment accounted for only the rotary kiln and the imported kiln investment 1/2. Ash activity index of the products and the fresh overburning rate and rotary kiln and shaft kiln is introduced; the energy consumption is low and the domestic various kiln kiln, simple maintenance, maintenance costs less.





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