
技术编号:6093552 阅读:222 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Rail transit real-time detection system and detection method based on WINCE system

The invention is applicable to the technical field of rail traffic detection, provides a WINCE system of rail transit real-time detection system and method based on the method includes: output optional check line and selected check line corresponding to the inspection plan; the output of the selected inspection plan under the inspection reporting options; the scene image generation storage inspection report the selected reporting problems and selected collection reporting problems; the inspection report to the remote server through the network; output optional disposal. The invention of the scene content and choose to fill the image generated text and images of both the inspection report by storage, and real-time transmission through the network to the remote management server, and provide the corresponding disposal options, bring new working standards for rail traffic detection, greatly improving the efficiency and quality of rail traffic detection work.





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