
技术编号:6060250 阅读:145 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

MEMS device and method of manufacturing the same

The invention discloses a micro electro mechanical device and a manufacturing method thereof, which comprises providing a semi conductor substrate, comprising a semiconductor layer and an inner connecting structure. Then, the formation of a protective layer and a photoresist layer, even on the structure, and the photoresist layer is formed with a plurality of openings of a protective layer, and removing layer and below the exposed opening protection internal connecting structure to form a plurality of first grooves. A portion of the semiconductor layer exposed to the first groove is removed to form a plurality of second trenches within the semiconductor layer. And attached to a cover to protect the substrate layer to form a composite substrate, thin semiconductor layer in composite substrate, leaving the semiconductor layer thinning. Finally, the thin semiconductor layer is removed and a third trench is formed to form a suspended microstructure within a region between the first groove, the second trench and the third trench.





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