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技术编号:6053361 阅读:290 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Air suction valve body of piston type reciprocating compressor without clearance type and installation and use method

A reciprocating compressor piston non clearance suction valve body models used and its installation method, the key is: it is necessary to ensure that the suction valve body suction valve device capable of reciprocating work normally, but also to ensure that its use will not cause the \clearance\ work situation to cooperate with other parts of the body (suction; P) whole body and split the two structural forms of the points and the corresponding different installation methods. The accompanying schematic uses a light metal in the integral forming process made the \high price\ integral type air intake valve body (P) example: as long as the valve cover is provided with an inverted cone (2) constitutes the entire suction valve body (P) in the bottom limit (4 a) from one end of the the piston (1) on the top is pressed into the straight valve hole, and make out the top of the piston (1), you can rely on a pair of elastic support arms (3 - a) so that the elastic limit of a foot (4 - a) reset, the suction valve body (P) can be entered running working condition.





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