
技术编号:17952126 阅读:26 留言:0更新日期:2018-05-16 02:35

A preparation method of deuterium compounds

The invention belongs to the field of chemical synthesis, and in particular relates to a method for preparing a deuterium compound. The preparation method of the present invention is that in the presence of deuterium source, the non deuterated compound containing at least one structural element of C N X is converted into a corresponding deuterium compound, in which X is nitroso, nitro, hydroxyl, cyanogen or halogen, and the deuterium source is selected from the heavy water or deuterated alcohol, and the deuterium source is easy to be obtained, and the price is low, and the deuterium is low. It is simple and easy to prepare. Deuterium generation is short, deuterium is high and the deuterium generation rate is above 90%. The deuterium process does not use more toxic reagents. It is green and is especially suitable for the development of deuterated drugs.





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