
技术编号:21375654 阅读:22 留言:0更新日期:2019-06-15 12:40

Camera Module and Array Camera Module Based on Integrated Packaging Technology

A camera module and an array camera module based on an integrated packaging process include a circuit board (212), an integrated pedestal (211), a photosensitive element (220), a lens (230), a filter element pedestal (240) and a filter element (250) mounted on the filter element pedestal; a filter element pedestal (240) is supported on at least part of the top surface of the integrated pedestal (2113), and a filter element pedestal (240). A light window (2111) is formed with an integrated base (211) to provide a light path for a photosensitive element (220); one integrated base (211) is encapsulated in a circuit board (212) and a photosensitive element (220) and embedded in a photosensitive element connector (221), a circuit board connector (222) and a connecting line (223), and the distance between the inner edge of the top surface (2113) of the integrated base (2113) and the optical axis of the camera module is not greater than that of the line. The distance between the outer edge of the road plate connector (222) and the optical axis of the camera module enables the top surface (2113) of the integrated base (211) to provide a larger mounting surface.





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