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技术编号:16990567 阅读:47 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-10 16:52

Vehicle driving method of vehicle driven generator

The invention creates a vehicle driving method for a vehicle driven generator to drive a car. The main purpose is to use the motor driven generator and power generation method that I invented, the manufacturing method of rotating tools and the content of science and technology. Exploit the scope of leveraged application. The electric motor is started with electric power, and then the rotating tool is driven by the rotating tool to drive the vehicle driving device. Its advantages are: no burning energy, small noise and vibration, no emission, no pollution. There are no restrictions on the road, low cost, maintenance, use and convenience. Cars can continue to run continuously, only mechanical wear and tear, or artificial shutdown of the power supply car will stop driving. This is the standard category of vehicle driven vehicle driving method. It is suitable for driving the train. It is suitable for driving the tank car to drive. It is suitable for flying the aircraft. It is suitable for driving ship navigation. It is suitable for driving submarines.





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