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技术编号:9622300 阅读:138 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 12:35

Method for manufacturing protein semiconductor

In order to provide a method of conductive type semiconductor control protein, the method can easily control the conductive type semiconductor semiconductor manufacturing protein, protein and provide a method of using this method and a manufacturing method of a PN junction. The total amount is in charge of the amino acid residues within the protein to control, conductive type semiconductor, semiconductor manufacturing type P protein or N type semiconductor manufacturing and the use of PN protein, P protein and N semiconductor junction type semiconductor protein. Through the use of amino acid residues with different properties instead of containing one or more protein in the acidic amino acid residues, basic amino acids and neutral amino acid residues in the modified contains one or more protein in the acidic amino acid residues, basic amino acids and neutral amino acid residues in the in chemistry, or control the protein surrounded by polar medium, the total control in amino acid residues within the charge.





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