
技术编号:77868 阅读:242 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Electric roaster

An electric roaster, comprising a first seat and is fixedly connected with a baking tray at the top of the shell of the first shell has a first position on the surface of the pan, the lowest position with a hole; the first tray attached below the heating element; the first shell is provided with a hole in the bottom of the oil collector and open hole communicated; and the first seat is also provided with a baked pivoted second roast seat is provided with a tray second, first and two corresponding closed form baking tray second space; the surface of the pan on the lowest part extends a diversion diversion bridge, bridge and oil collector with second seats and the first seat baked baked at a predetermined angle. The utility model is convenient for discharging liquid formed during cooking and baking.


一种电热烘烤器,包括一第一烤座,第一烤座具有一第一壳体,和一固接于第一壳体顶端并和食物接触的第一烤盘,第一烤盘表面上位置最低的部位具有一开孔;第一烤盘下方贴附一第一加热元件;第一壳体内设置一位于开孔下方并与开孔相通的集油盆;再架设一和第一烤座相互枢接的第二烤座,第二烤座具有一第二壳体,和一固接于第二壳体顶端并和食物接触的第二烤盘,第一、二烤盘相对盖合构成一烘烤空间;其特征在于:第二烤盘表面上位置最低的部位为一低位面,低位面上延伸一导流桥,导流桥和集油盆相通,第二烤座与第一 烤座构成一预定角度。



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