
技术编号:6054078 阅读:212 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Oil scraping device and compressor provided with such oil scraping device

The present invention relates to an oil scraper and a compressor with such an oil scraper. The traditional oil scraping device with split ring to avoid leakage, and especially in having a sharp scraping edge metal scraper ring design, oil scraping device on the piston rod surface scraping, which may damage the piston rod. In order to eliminate these problems and proposes an oil scraping device, which comprises the oil scraper ring separately in the circumferential direction (2) and L separately in the circumferential direction of the locking ring (3), wherein, the locking ring (3) and the oil scraper ring (2) separate points (16. 15) along the circumferential direction are staggered each other, the oil scraper ring (2) not only in the axial and radial in tightly arranged on the L shaped lock ring (3) of the recess (4), and the oil scraper ring (2) and a locking ring (3) radial internal circumference (6, 7) to form a radial internal common oil scraping surface (10).





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