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技术编号:4173745 阅读:170 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Cold cylinder compression cycle of a rotor compressor

A circulation system for improving the efficiency of a refrigeration compressor, referred to as a cold cylinder compression cycle. The compression cycle of cold compressor of rotor compressor is mainly realized in 4 aspects. A.: in the cold cylinder compression compression cylinder wall strong exothermic (defined as the hot cylinder, the cold cylinder) implementation of cryogenic cooling, tongue and rolling rotor surface coated with thermal insulation ceramics will be cooled to the hot cylinder compressing, increasing the heat cylinder area or reduce the speed, in order to fully eliminate and suppress overheated exhaust put form compression the lower the net work compression and condensation load. B. cold cylinder suction: the high pressure exhaust and the cold and hot cylinder and the upper and lower cover and the suction tube are separated by gas and heat insulation. The low temperature characteristics of the suction chamber are guaranteed by continuous suction and hot cylinder cooling to obtain larger cooling capacity. C. improved oil circuit: increasing suction suction. D. recycling exhaust heat and motor heat release: for heating and concentration of absorbent lubricating oil, absorbent in the cooling cylinder surface pressure is low, strong absorption, and further increase the cold and reduce compression work.


一种蒸汽压缩式制冷压缩机的循环系统,其特征在于:为防止吸气受热膨胀和排除压缩放热, A、冷缸压缩:针对压缩放热较强的固定部件汽缸、汽室壁面定义为热缸(其余部分为冷缸)实施冷却,对相对运行部件,如:活塞、旋转活塞等、汽室壁面进行表面隔热 ,将压缩放热推向被冷却的汽室壁面--热缸;热缸冷却流体用机组分流制冷剂或其它的冷却流体; B、冷缸吸气:冷缸和吸气管路对高温物体和PK高压进行气相和绝热分隔,吸气室的低温特性由连续吸气和热缸冷却来保持。



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