
技术编号:22535724 阅读:25 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-13 11:27

A detachable hook mechanism for car connection based on gear transmission

A detachable hook mechanism for car connection based on gear transmission includes a front car connecting rod (1), a driving shell (7) and a rear car connecting rod (8). The front car derailment causes the front car to drive the front car connecting rod to swing, and the front car connecting rod will drive the first gear (2) to rotate; the first gear rotation drives the third second gear (5) to rotate; the third second gear rotation Drive the drive housing to rotate; drive the housing to rotate the third fourth gear (10); the third fourth gear to rotate the limit drive gear (15); during the rotation of the limit drive gear, when a guide groove (27) on the limit drive cylinder is matched with the corresponding guide notch (25) on the limit connection (16), the rear trunk connecting rod and the limit block installed on it are matched (24) it will be separated from the front trunk along the corresponding guide groove and guide gap to prevent the train from overturning.





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