
技术编号:4174533 阅读:192 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Networking method for implementing integrated high order ROADM

The invention relates to a networking method for realizing the integration of higher order ROADM. The multi channel signal through low order adjustable micro ring filter grade filter, reduce the number of channels in a step by step, using limited modulation bandwidth, hierarchical modulation to achieve multi-channel signal ROADM, which can realize the optical channel multiplexing number is far more than the modulation bandwidth of filter can be adjusted. At the same time, in order to reduce the loss to be able to cascade more micro rings, the structure of the waveguide intersection and the coupling structure of the waveguide and the optical fiber are optimized. By the invention, the number of reconfigurable wavelengths can be much larger than that of ordinary networking methods.


一种实现集成化高阶ROADM的组网方法,其特征在于,包括: 将光纤光通信主干路中的信号耦合到SOI纳米线直波导中; 利用低阶可调SOI纳米线环形滤波器的自由频谱宽度将主干路的中满足同一微环谐振条件的波长进行分级滤波; 逐级 降低下载波导中的波长数,通过多级级联,最终实现单一波长信号在不同输出端口的下载; 同时本地信号从对应的端口输入,上载到干路中; 设置逻辑控制电路以调制各级滤波器的工作波长,实现不同波长在不同下载端口的转换。



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