
技术编号:2788770 阅读:219 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Self operated corrosion resistant pressure regulating valve

The utility model relates to a self corrosion resistant pressure regulating valve, which comprises a control mechanism and a regulating mechanism, the control mechanism comprises a control chamber, a regulating spring diaphragm, control, control diaphragm installed in the control chamber, the control chamber into an upper control room; adjusting mechanism comprises a valve body, a valve seat, valve stem, valve cover, valve stem ends are respectively connected with the control valve and control valve diaphragm chamber communicated with the outlet channel and control cavity; valve body, valve seat, valve is mainly made of anti-corrosion materials; isolation tank is arranged between the valve body and the outlet channel under the control room, the isolation tank is made of anti-corrosion materials, liquid separation tank and a lower isolation control room full weight is greater than the proportion of the working medium. The corrosive medium is prevented from entering the control cavity, which has good corrosion resistance and can be applied to corrosive medium conditions.





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