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技术编号:71695 阅读:203 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Titanium containing fresh cut flower antistaling agent

The invention relates to a fresh keeping agent for fresh cut flowers containing titanium, which is prepared by titanium chelate. (powder or grain, flake), paste or pus. Soluble in water is colorless and transparent, odorless, long-term storage invariance, does not pollute the environment, harmless to flowers and animals. The invention can be used for fresh cut flowers of various herbs and shrubs. The average rate of bud opening increased to 95%; the vase life of cut flowers of an average of 12 days or more than the commonly used preservative; an average increase of 1 to 3 days, and the corolla increased, leaf, stem leaves, tall and straight, bright color, rich flavor. The invention has the advantages of simple manufacturing process, low cost and simple use method.


一种含钛鲜切花保鲜剂,其特征在于含钛鲜切花保鲜剂的组成如下(以1l水溶液中所含重量计,g)柠檬酸钛(以纯Ti计) 0.001~0.10钾明矾 0.02~0.50磺基水扬酸 0.02~0.07氯化钴 0.05~0.10硫酸 亚铁 0.0~0.10硫酸铜 0.0~0.08二氯异氰尿酸钠 0.01~0.10砂糖 10~40pH 4.5~6.5。



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