
技术编号:6059897 阅读:173 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Ultrasonic probe

An ultrasonic probe, even if the control switch through the multi oscillator amplifier and common delay circuit structure, increase power consumption, can inhibit the amplifier circuit scale, the deterioration of the receiving performance and suppress the stray capacitance switching part of the receiver, good quality. The ultrasonic probe includes a plurality of ultrasonic transducer, ultrasonic transmitting, receiving in vivo by ultrasonic echo reflection; switching part, signal of the ultrasonic vibrator by selectively switching from more than 2, the opening of mobile ultrasonic beam; and the Department, to amplify the signal from the switching section. The ultrasonic probe switches the switching section, thereby receiving signals from a plurality of ultrasonic vibrators at a time division. In addition, the ultrasonic probe also includes an impedance conversion section. The impedance conversion section is between the ultrasonic vibrator and the switching part, receives signals from the ultrasonic oscillator at high impedance, and outputs the output signal at low impedance to the switching part.





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