
技术编号:6047252 阅读:154 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Ultrasonic diagnostic device and medical image processing device

The invention provides an ultrasonic diagnostic device and a medical image processing device. The purpose is to improve the utilization value of the polar coordinate distribution related to the indexes of the movement of the heart wall. A plurality of ultrasonic images cover a three-dimensional region of the heart of the subject. A plurality of short axis images intersecting the long axis of the heart are generated by the MPR processing unit (30) in accordance with an ultrasonic image. Through the index calculation unit (31), the indexes related to the movement function of the heart wall are calculated according to the short axis image. A polar coordinate mapping (32) generates polar mapping of an index through a polar coordinate mapping. An average time curve generation unit (35) calculates the average value of an index corresponding to a plurality of segments mapped into polar coordinates. A caring point is specified on the vein of the short axis image by means of an input device (13). The boundary of a position setting section on a polar coordinate distribution corresponding to the location of the designated interest point (34) through a segment division processing section.





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