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技术编号:6868363 阅读:258 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40


RNA干扰(RNA interference, RNAi),又称为转录后基因沉默 (post-transcriptional gene silencing, PTGS),是指双链 RNA (dsRNA)分子在 mRNA/K平关闭同源基因的表达或使该基因表达沉默的现象(Fire A, 1998 ;Elbashir SM,2001)。最早有关RNA干扰的报道出现在1990年,由两个不同的研究小组同时报道了转基因植物中的 RNA干扰现象,以后又在线虫、果蝇、斑马鱼和小鼠等几乎所有真核生物中观察到了 RNA干扰现象(Napoli C, 1990 ;Fire A, 1991 ;Guo S,1995)。1999 年,Hamilton 和 Baulcombe 在发生RNA干扰的植物中检测到了长度为21-25个核苷酸的RNA片段,这些RNA片断被证明是RNA干扰所必需的,被称为小干扰核酸(siRNA) (Hamilton AJ,1999)。双链siRNA与细胞内源性的相关酶和蛋白质形成RNA诱导的沉默复合体(RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC)。在RNA干扰过程中,双链siRNA中的正义链被排除出复合体,反义链指导RISC结合到靶mRNA的同源位点,然后由复合物中的核糖核酸酶III降解靶mRNA,从而关闭靶基因的表达(Zamore PD, 2000 ;Hammond SM, 2001) 除了基因功能研究外,SiRNA被迅速应用于人类疾病的治疗,抑制病毒或肿瘤等重大疾病中致病基因的表达(Tiemann K, 2009 Jackson AL 2010)。但由于siRNA的稳定性较差,在体内容易被血液中大量存在的核酸酶降解(Czauderna F, 2003 ;Haupenthal J, 2006 ;Turner JJ, 2007),因此人们需要对合成的siRNA进行化学修饰,以增加其血液稳定性(Braasch DA, 2003 ;Layzer JM, 2004 ;Choung S2006)。虽然这种化学修饰策略能够很好地提高siRNA分子的血液稳定性,但引入的核苷酸类似物增加了修饰siRNA的潜在细胞毒性,并在很多情况下降低了它的生物学活性,制约了其在体内的应用。因此,迫切需要建立在不增加siRNA体内毒性条件下,提高其血液稳定性的方法, 解决siRNA制药中的这个技术瓶颈。Braasch DA, Jensen S, Liu Y, Kaur K, Arar K, White MA and Corey DR(2003) RNA interference in mammalian cells by chemically-modified RNA. Biochemistry 42 :7967Choung S, Kim YJ, Kim S, Park HO and Choi YC (2006) Chemical modification of siRNAs to improve serum stability without loss of efficacy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 342 :919Czauderna F, Fechtner M, Dames S, Aygiin H, Klippel A, Pronk GJ, Giese K and Kaufmann J(2003)Structural variations and stabilising modifications of synthetic siRNAs in mammalian cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 :2705Elbashir SM,Harborth J,Lendeckel W,Yalcin A,Weber K and Tuschl T(2001)Duplexes of 21—nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interference in cultured mammalian cells. Nature 411 :494Fire A,Albertson D,Harrison SW and Moerman DG(1991)Production of antisense RNA leads to effective and specific inhibition of gene expression in C. elegans muscle. Development 113 :503Fire A,Xu SiMontgomery MKiKostas SAiDriver SE and Mello CC(1998)Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature 391:806Guo S and Kemphues KJ(1995)par_l,a gene required for establishing polarity in C. elegans embryos, encodes a putative Ser/Thr kinase that is asymmetrically distributed. Cell 81:611Hamilton AJ and Baulcombe DC(1999)A species of small antisense RNA in posttranscriptional gene silencing in plants. Science 286 :950Hammond SM, Boettcher S,Caudy AA, Kobayashi R and Hannon GJ(2001) Argonaute2,a link between genetic and biochemical analyses of RNAi. Science 293 1146Haupenthal J,Baehr C,Kiermayer S,Zeuzem S and Piiper A(2006)Inhibition of RNAse A family enzymes prevents degradation and loss of silencing activity of siRNAs in serum. Biochem Pharmacol. 71 :702Jackson AL and Linsley PS (2010)Recognizing and avoiding siRNA off-target effects for target identification and therapeutic application. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 9 :57Layzer JMiMcCaffrey APiTanner AKiHuang ZiKa本文档来自技高网...




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