
技术编号:6084959 阅读:310 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Application of aluminum electrolysis cell waste cathode in preparation of cathode carbon block

The present invention discloses aluminum electrolysis waste cathode preparation of cathode carbon block in the system, relates to the technical field of aluminum electrolysis, using waste cathode by flotation separation of toner, after further harmless treatment, as recycled materials in direct proportion with the incorporation of cathode materials, returned to the new cathode electrolysis the slot, using waste cathode in the electrolytic aluminum production system in a cycle; add renewable materials is through direct and new raw materials are mixed in proportion, the cathode carbon block production process preparation of cathode carbon block of recycled material is distributed uniformly in the cathode carbon blocks; another is to add renewable materials the recycled material and new material configured to several mixing ratio of raw materials, the production process of cathode carbon block prepared by recycled content from high to low gradient cathode carbon block; the invention can waste While recycling the cathode in the electrolytic aluminum production system, the waste of the cathode and the pollution of the environment are solved.





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