
技术编号:6080472 阅读:219 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Wind energy storage power generation device

The invention belongs to the technical field of wind energy utilization, in particular to a wind energy generating device, wind compressor more than one made of compressed gas through the pipeline into the wall by the mine waste or cave sealed stored in the storage of gas through the pipeline, for the following one or the combination of pneumatic equipment in mine waste or cave compression the gas turbine generator, the ventilation pipe, the beneficial effect of the invention is: the use of waste mine or cave can be stored at any time the wind compressor production of compressed gas, and compressed gas into electricity or direct acting, completely solve the wind resource rich mountain or sea islands and plain high voltage line transmission problems and the wind turbine power generation efficiency of the existing low, low utilization rate, suitable for waste mine or cave mountain or sea islands and plain Make full use of wind energy.





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