构建IP层SSL VPN隧道的方法技术

技术编号:6071045 阅读:399 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for constructing IP layer SSL VPN tunnel

The invention discloses a method for constructing IP layer SSL? VPN tunnel, the method comprises the following steps: control connected through SSL protocol negotiation, get encryption package and encryption parameters, and through the SSL protocol using the encryption suite and encryption parameters to establish control connection; through DTLS protocol, encryption and encryption parameters to establish data Suite the use of the connection. The invention adopts SSL+DTLS to construct IP layer SSL? VPN tunnel, establish a data connection in the use of the DTLS protocol, used directly obtained by SSL protocol negotiation encryption package and encryption parameters, the performance of the system is to reduce the consumption of.


1.一种构建IP层SSL VPN隧道的方法,其特征在于,该方法包括以下步骤:S1:通过SSL协议协商控制连接,得到加密套件和加密参数,并通过SSL协议使用所述加密套件和加密参数建立控制连接;S2:通过DTLS协议,使用所述加密套件和加密参数建立数据连接。



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