
技术编号:4174830 阅读:167 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and equipment for construction and transportation of super large diameter shield tunneling

The present invention provides a super transportation method for large diameter shield tunnel construction, which comprises the following steps: firstly, the super large diameter tunnel section layout optimization, by shield machine in order to rear prefabricated sections, prefabricated sections, maintenance sections, on both sides of the grouting lane road; planning the whole transportation routes link according to the actual situation with the horizontal transport transport way, adding the U-turn platform, and with different construction stages with different slurry transport planning; selection of transport vehicles to transport construction materials required. Transport method provided by the invention further comprises the frame construction materials transported by stratified, laying into prefabricated pieces transported by road in the middle of the lower hanging, and loaded with slurry and pulp barrels to collage into tunnel lining, the upper shield machine is transported to the rear, through the means of transport that can meet the tunnel synchronous construction of long distance, large section, in order to improve the efficiency of construction.


一种超大直径盾构法隧道施工运输方法,其特征在于包括以下步骤:    步骤1、将隧道内的路段断面进行优化布置形成不同断面,由盾构机后方依序设为预制件路段、预制件两侧灌浆路段、养护路段、车道路段;    步骤2、筹划隧道运输环节,采用地面车辆水平运输方式,增设掉头平台,并因应不同的施工阶段采用不同的浆液的运送方式:    其中,掉头平台是位于所述的预制件路段上,并且随着盾构机的推进而移动;    而施工初期的浆液运送方式是利用可移动的浆桶装载,再采用双头平板车运输至盾构机后方,随掘进距离加长,另于预制件路段上增设一平台,于平台设一送浆泵,通过水泥搅拌车直接将同步注浆浆液从搅拌站直接运送至送浆泵处,由送浆泵直接将浆液泵送至盾构机后方。



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