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技术编号:4173919 阅读:297 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Integrated method and integrated structure for transdermal administration of microneedle arrays and soft forming masks

The invention provides an integrated method of transdermal drug delivery micro needle array and flexible forming mask comprising: forming a plurality in the soft capsule cavity mask on one side surface and one end of the cavity opening in the mask, the other end is not through the mask, but keep the bottom of the mask as the base film mask; in each intracavitary placement of the micro film micro spring, spring base and mask joint; intracavitary micro needle array to tip down to mask film direction embedded in soft forming mask, micro needle array and the top base micro spring joint; transdermal drug soak in a soft mask forming, free flow through the pores in the mask cavity and the bottom film; a pressing micro needle array to micro needle penetration mask film and the stratum corneum. The present invention also provides an integrated structure for transdermal administration of microneedle arrays and soft forming masks. The invention is especially suitable for large-area transdermal transmission of facial skin care polymer drugs.


一种透皮给药微针阵列与软性成形面膜的集成方法,其特征是,该集成方法包含: 在软性成形面膜上制备多个囊腔,该囊腔一端开口于该面膜的一侧表面,另一端不贯穿面膜,而是保留该面膜的底部作为面膜的底膜; 在各个囊腔内安置微弹簧,该微弹簧的 底座与面膜的底膜接合; 微针阵列按照针尖朝下指向面膜底膜的方向嵌装在软性成形面膜的囊腔内,微针阵列的底座与微弹簧的顶端接合; 透皮给药药液浸透在软性成形面膜内,通过面膜材料内部的孔隙在囊腔和底膜内自由流通; 按压微针阵列的 底座使微针针尖穿透面膜的底膜以及皮肤角质层。



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