
技术编号:4160483 阅读:168 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Combined slope platform

In order to reduce the weight of the slope platform, the frame structure is adopted as a slope platform framework. The overall structure of the sloping platform is a bridge structure. Specifically, the invention provides a combined slope table, by frame which comprises: a first ramp section includes a first ground terminal and the first rise in the high-end, the first rise end is provided with a plurality of pins; each level, including a plurality of frame units, each unit has a limited perimeter frame an inner space; wherein a plurality of pins of the first slope section is adapted to be inserted into the plurality of frame elements in at least one of the interior space and is attached to the inner periphery, so that the first ramp section and the at least one horizontal segment assembled together. The invention can maximize the work station to ensure the slope rigidity, easy installation, low price, can significantly improve the preparation efficiency, is the preferred industry structure with Turner installed equipment.


一种由框架构成的组合式坡台,其包括: 第一斜坡段,包括第一接地端和第一升高端,所述第一升高端上设置有多个销; 至少一个水平段,包括多个框架单元,每个框架单元具有限定一内部空间的内周边; 其中所述第一斜坡段的多个销适于插入所 述多个框架单元中至少一个的所述内部空间并且贴靠在所述内周边上,以便将所述第一斜坡段与所述至少一个水平段装配在一起。



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