
技术编号:2980112 阅读:174 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Signal conversion module

The utility model discloses a signal conversion module comprises a power processing circuit connected with each circuit, which is characterized in that the signal converted by the microcomputer processing circuit is respectively connected with the CAN signal processing circuit and signal processing circuit is connected with the LIN level signal input and output circuit, A / D conversion circuit, signal frequency the output circuit module; the microcomputer processing circuit, used for conversion between CAN signal, LIN signal and low signal; A / D signal into CAN signal or LIN signal; CAN signal, LIN signals are converted into frequency signal; conversion between CAN and LIN signals. It realizes the data communication with the module with CAN bus interface without the CAN bus interface, so as to improve the cost performance and safety of the vehicle, and shorten the development cycle of the new vehicle. The control signal conversion module can realize the wiper, near and far lamp.


一种信号转换模块,包括与各电路相连接的电源处理电路(1),其特征在于:所述的信号转换模块中设有高低电平信号输入输出电路(2)、A/D转换电路(3)、频率信号输出电路(4)通过微电脑处理电路(5)分别与CAN信号处理电路(6)和LIN信号处理电路(7)相连接;    所述的微电脑处理电路(5),用于CAN信号、LIN信号与高低电平信号之间相互转换;A/D电平信号转换为CAN信号或LIN信号;CAN信号、LIN信号转换为频率信号;CAN信号与LIN信号之间相互转换。



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