
技术编号:2781102 阅读:291 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for controlling bar bar saw cutting self-adaptive precise blanking

The invention relates to a control method for metal bar sawing adaptive precision blanking, it uses an adaptive bar sawing precision cropping system, which is characterized by the following steps: the level of control of AC servo drive system to realize bar feeding, high precision photoelectric encoder detecting bar feeding amount, at the same time grating the displacement sensor to detect the height at the front end of the bar and the bar on the feeding collet value, vertical AC servo drive system to adjust the bar back height, ensure the high degree of consistency at the front end and the bar material in the feeding chuck at the bar in the process of feeding; automatic adjustment bar cutting Abstract: according to the fixed length L down bar cutting high precision weighing sensor to measure the actual weight of G decreases the weight and the material, set the G down G down the error difference. The invention has the advantages that the bar cross section is perpendicular to the bar material and the cutting accuracy is high, and the automatic, real-time, continuous, on-line and closed-loop self adaptive precise digital control precise blanking is realized.


一种棒料锯切自适应精密下料的控制方法,它使用了一种由锯床、水平交流伺服驱动系统、垂直交流伺服驱动系统、高精度光电编码器、光栅位移传感器、PLC可编程序控制器、触摸式人机界面,高精度称重传感器构成的棒料锯切自适应精密下料系统,其特征是采用如下控制步骤:a、开机,启动棒料下料系统,通过触摸人机界面输入棒料的截面积S和下料重量G↓[设定],PLC可编程序控制器根据棒料的截面积S和下料重量G↓[设定]计算出棒料的下料长度L,下料长度L=G↓[设定]/(密度P×截面积S );b、PLC可编程序控制器控制水平交流伺服驱动系统实现棒料进给,高精度光电编码器检测棒料进给量,同时光栅位移传感器不断检测棒料的前端处及棒料在送料夹头处的高度值,并将测量值传送给PLC可编程序控制器,PLC可编程序控制器根据测量值 判断棒料在该两处的高度值是否一致,如果有误差,垂直交流伺服驱动系统启动,调整棒料后端的高度,保证在送料过程中棒料的前端处及棒料在送料夹头处的高度一致;c、当进给位移达到棒料的下料长度L时,自动停止进给,同时启动锯床锯切棒料; d、棒料锯切完毕后,高精度称重传感器将测量的锯切下的棒料的实际重量G↓[实际]传送到PLC可编程序控制器,PLC可编程序控制器根据下料重量G↓[设定]和实际重量G↓[实际]的差值△G↓[误差]自动调整棒料的锯切长度L↓[修正],△G ↓[误差]=G↓[设定]-G↓[实际];L↓[修正]=L-△G↓[误差]/(密度P×截面积S);e、棒料下料系统回到初始送料位置,等待继续送料;若要继续下料,PLC可编程序控制器将棒料的下料长度L修改为L↓[修正], 送料、检测、称重,完成又一次下料循环;若不再进行下料,控制结束,关机。...



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