
技术编号:15196378 阅读:87 留言:0更新日期:2017-04-21 03:11

Positioning device, method and system for Beidou satellite navigation system

The invention relates to a positioning device, a method and a system for Beidou satellite navigation system. Device comprises a satellite acquisition / tracking module, used to obtain the modulation signal can be transmitted by satellites; pseudo range module, used to obtain ranging codes and locally generated replica code, and according to the ranging code and copy the code to get code pseudorange, and code pseudorange to obtain first coordinate position according to the carrier signal acquisition module; for, according to the modulated signal and copy the code to get a first carrier signal; phase measuring module for pseudo range, according to the first carrier signal and the locally generated second carrier signal is obtained by the pseudo range, and according to the measured phase pseudorange obtained second coordinate position, and generate the interrupt signal according to the second position, and the interrupt signal is sent to the test pseudo range module, the module code pseudorange obtained closed function code pseudorange and the first coordinate position. The device greatly improves the speed and accuracy of positioning.

<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/52/201380078921.html" title="用于北斗卫星导航系统的定位装置、方法和系统原文来自X技术">用于北斗卫星导航系统的定位装置、方法和系统</a>




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