
技术编号:9615254 阅读:135 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 01:36

Weaving method of glass fiber mesh cloth with density of 16 /25mm

The invention relates to a weaving method for a glass fiber mesh fabric with a density of 16 /25mm. The woven high-density glass fiber mesh cloth is finished by twisting warp and warp knitting. By using the GA747 rapier loom opening device, the nylon can be turned over in order to complete the twisting and warp weaving process by adding the extension spring, the hank bar, the guide bar, the yarn dividing rod and other auxiliary parts. By lifting the stop flower column and changing the position line, the machine process can meet the requirement of the production of the cloth. Through the adjustment of the rapier box, the time of handing over the rapier and the weft rapier is solved. Starting with the take-up of GA747 rapier loom, multi head worm gear is used to solve the problem of weft density. The invention meets the weaving requirements of producing high-density mesh cloth, and greatly improves the appearance quality of products. Under normal illumination, visual inspection and steel ruler inspection do not break warp or break weft, no loose and tight warp, no broken holes, no jumping flower defects, warp and weft yarn deviating from original position 5mm below.





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