
技术编号:8936722 阅读:151 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:07

Compositions and methods for improving the sugar and phosphate syrup clarification

A method for improving sugar phosphate can be added to the composition including clarification of sugar, the composition has at least one particle sulfur reagent and at least one or more other solid particles, the particles, particles of carbonaceous reagent selected from phosphorus reagent, particulate aluminum reagent, particle filter aid and particulate ammonium reagent. The composition can be added to a chemical reaction tank or to be added prior to the chemical reaction tank. At least five minutes after the addition of the composition, the phosphoric acid chemical, such as a polymer decolorizing agent, phosphoric acid, lime, and flocculant, is added to the process. In the use of the method, the added phosphate chemicals less than phosphate chemicals are required not to join the composition or the amount of sugar purity is improved, such as through one or more color, turbidity and ash in the measured.





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