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技术编号:80646 阅读:271 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for processing wheaten food

The invention discloses a method for processing a pasta, characterized in that the processing method has the following steps: 1) the flour, baking powder and water mix, knead the dough; 2) put the dough into a plurality of parts on the panel by repeatedly pressing; 3) mold prefabricated flat, mold carved pattern; 4) and will die quite after repeated kneading dough on the mold, the mold filling space and uniform compaction pressure; 5) the forming surface in mold buckle, can be put in the pot steamed on the steamer. The invention is characterized in that the dough is formed with the aid of the mould, the dough is formed quickly and is beautiful, and the measurement of the mould is made. Before the dough into the mold after repeated kneading pressure, so that the dough ingredients mixed evenly; and in order to meet the needs of the mold, the dough should be slightly harder, so that the taste will be better, more powerful way.


一种面食的加工方法,其特征在于该加工方法有以下步骤: 1)将面粉、发酵粉和水充分搅拌,揉成发面团; 2)将发面团分成若干等份,在面板上逐个反复揉压; 3)预制扁平的模具,模具上雕刻有图案; 4)将与模具相当的经过反复 揉压的小面团放在模具内,填充模具空间并压匀压实; 5)将模具中的成型面扣出,放在锅中笼屉上蒸熟即可。



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