
技术编号:6050038 阅读:274 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Movable oil pipe box for oil and water well operation

An oil well operation, mobile oil box, including trailer chassis, oil box, oil pipe bracket, sewage storage tank, oil pipe, tubing swinging mechanism lifting mechanism, grasping mechanism, tubing tubing transfer device, tubing length measuring instrument and PLC programmable control system, which is characterized in that the oil box is set by the rectangle. About two parts, with the tubing stent in the left part of the lower part, the lower part is provided with a sewage storage tank, in the lower right part is arranged in and out of the tubing can transfer device in the upper end opening of the tubing or pick-up device into the set of tubing length measuring instrument, the pipe top box is arranged in the middle part of the tubing cross sliding mechanism a pipe lifting mechanism in pipe traversing mechanism, lifting mechanism is arranged at the lower end of tubing tubing gripping mechanism; tubing box trailer chassis transfer device, oil tubing; The pipe traversing mechanism, the tubing lifting mechanism and the oil pipe gripping and releasing mechanism are all controlled by the PLC programmable control system.





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