
技术编号:9607598 阅读:117 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-23 09:09

A new type of measuring voltage test

The utility model discloses a new type of measuring voltage Penpen, overcomes the defects of the existing technology, measuring the battery voltage when the hand pen positioning difficulties, measuring voltage instability problems. The new measuring voltage probe comprises a handle and a positive and a negative pole contact point and voltage connector, one end of the handle is fixedly connected with the fixed baffle and a plurality of positive and negative contact points, various positive and negative contact point is not connected to each other, the fixed baffle distance of the end where the height is greater than or equal to the positive and negative pole contact point distance to the end the height of the. Handle the technology enables operators to take pen more stable; the fixed baffle can contact the side surface of the handle rapid locating position and stability of pen pen pen; increase the \needle\ area, increasing the contact area 2 \needle\ and positive and negative poles of the battery, so that the measurement is more convenient and accurate.





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