
技术编号:6086071 阅读:191 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for processing link failure

The invention discloses a method and a device for processing a link fault, relating to the technical field of network communication, and solving the problem that the router CPU is overloaded and the network bandwidth is occupied in the process of link detection. In the invention, because the router receives the link failure detection protocol to generate neighbours can not notice, still remain with the neighbor node link failure occurs between neighbors, that is not the removal of the neighbor nodes, only to the normal neighbor informed of the occurrence of the neighbor node link fault in fault state, and if the timeout receive send the neighbor node link fault of the neighbor discovery message, directly to the normal neighbor neighbor node the link fault notification back to normal state, therefore, to solve the chain road unstable when the router repeatedly execute the interrupt and rebuild the neighbor relationship operation in a short period of time, resulting in the CPU router is overloaded and the network bandwidth is occupied by a large number of problems.





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