
技术编号:6066252 阅读:483 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Phosgene complementary dish type solar power generation device in Stryn

The invention discloses a phosgene complementary dish type solar power generation device in Stryn, which relates to the technical field of solar thermal power generation. In order to solve the problem that the existing Stryn dish solar power generation device can not stabilize its output power when the intensity of sunlight changes. It includes a supporting base for light dish, focus the sunlight through the bracket is arranged on the top of the poly disc for absorbing the focused energy absorber, for converting thermal energy into electrical energy generating unit in Stryn, and the Stryn engine heater absorber is used to transfer the solar energy to the heater will focus on the Stryn engine, it also including the burner, and the absorber is used for auxiliary heating heater Stryn engine; the invention is suitable for solar power, the device uses solar energy and natural gas or methane power generation combined, can make up for use without sunlight or solar energy shortage Stryn solar power generation device, can improve equipment utilization rate and economy.





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