
技术编号:6053994 阅读:243 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
本发明专利技术实施例一种通信系统中基站之间配置的PUCCH资源与PUSCH资源的协调方法,包括:第一基站获取第二基站的无线资源的配置信息,所述第一基站根据所述第二基站的无线资源的配置信息,获知第二基站的无线配置资源,所述第一基站根据所述获知的第二基站的无线配置资源,不在该第二基站的无线配置资源中进行数据调度,从而避免或降低第一基站服务的UE的PUSCH传输对第二基站服务的UE PUCCH传输的干扰,提高了通信系统中的控制信道检测的可靠性及资源复用的效率。

Resource coordination method and device in communication system

Including the coordination method, the embodiment of the invention, the base station in a communication system configuration of the PUCCH resources and PUSCH resources: the first wireless base station to obtain configuration information resources of second base stations, the first base station according to the configuration information of wireless resources of the second base station, the wireless resource allocation second base stations, the first the base station according to the wireless resource allocation of second base stations of the learned, data scheduling in wireless resource allocation of the second base station, UE PUCCH transmission PUSCH transmission interference in order to avoid or reduce the first base station service UE on the second base station service, improve the control channel detection in communication system reliability and resource reuse the efficiency.





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