
技术编号:4175825 阅读:234 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Mobile terminal and method with active prompting information function

The invention provides a mobile terminal and method of active message function, the mobile terminal comprises a communication interface unit receives from the service server configuration information, prompting strategy; strategy unit for recording, prompting strategy; the connection unit shall be used for the configuration information records follow the mobile terminal provides the prompt information when the engine for business unit; at a predetermined time point according to the prompt strategy and the configuration information for self updating; man-machine interface unit, used for instruction, prompting strategy and the configuration information of the mobile terminal display module in the interface according to the interface, the module contains the message and record the feedback information. The application of the technology provided by the invention, intermediaries and service providers access network services resource user habits and preferences, to expand the scope of business, and to ensure that the user can use more and more timely service network.


一种具有主动提示信息功能的移动终端,其特征在于,包括: 通信接口单元,用于与业务服务器建立业务连接,并接收来自所述业务服务器的提示策略、配置信息; 策略单元,用于记录移动终端提供提示信息时应当遵循的所述提示策略; 连接单元 ,用于记录所述移动终端提供所述提示信息时应当遵循的所述配置信息; 业务引擎单元,用于在预定的时间点根据所述提示策略和所述配置信息生成所述提示信息,并生成提示指令并发送; 人机接口单元,用于根据所述提示指令在所述移动终端显示所述提 示信息;并记录反馈信息。



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