
技术编号:4173957 阅读:163 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Joint detection method

The invention discloses a combined detection method, including: channel impulse response estimation according to the received baseband signal of each antenna and each antenna noise power, get the noise normalized in each of the antennas on the normalized CIR estimation; for each user, according to each of the antennas the normalized CIR estimation power to determine the user each path in the user of the normalized CIR estimate, according to the path of all power and the maximum value and the normalized noise power, determine the effective path threshold of the user, and according to the effective path of the user threshold updating the normalized CIR estimation; using each user update after the normalization of the CIR estimation of structural system matrix, combined detection of users. The invention can improve the signal detection performance of the MMSE based joint detection method in the indoor coverage environment, and effectively control the increase of the computational complexity resulting therefrom.


一种联合检测方法,其特征在于,该方法包括: 根据每根天线上接收的基带信号和每根天线上的噪声功率进行信道冲击响应估计,获取进行噪声归一化处理后的在所述每根天线上的归一化CIR估计; 对于每个用户,根据所述每根天线上的归一化CIR估 计中该用户的归一化CIR估计确定该用户每个路径的功率,根据所有路径功率中的最大值和归一化后的噪声功率,确定该用户的有效路径阈值,并根据所述有效路径阈值更新所述该用户的归一化CIR估计; 利用更新后的每个用户的归一化CIR估计构造系统矩 阵,进行用户联合检测。



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