
技术编号:4173767 阅读:263 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Mobile television broadcasting system and method

The invention discloses a mobile TV playing system and method. The system according to the invention may provide information streaming to a mobile communication device comprising an information producing device, a processing device, and a transmitting device. The information generating device generates an information stream according to the channel request signal transmitted by the mobile communication device, which is composed of N packet packets. From the information processing device generating device receives the N information packet, and when receiving the N packet information in M information packet processing device, the copy of the M information packet, and outputs the M replication information packet, M is a positive integer less than N. In addition, the transmitting device receives the M replication information packets from the processing device and decodes the M replication information packets to the mobile communication device.


一种移动电视播放系统,用以提供一信息串流至一移动通讯装置,该移动电视播放系统包含: 信息产生装置,用以接收该移动通讯装置所发送的频道请求讯号,并且根据该频道请求讯号产生该信息串流,该信息串流由N个信息封包所组成,N是一正整数;  处理装置,分别连接该信息产生装置以及该移动通讯装置,用以自该信息产生装置接收该N个信息封包,并且当接收该N个信息封包中的前M个信息封包时,该处理装置复制该M个信息封包,并且输出该M个复制信息封包,M是小于N的一正整数;以及 发送装置, 分别连接该处理装置以及该移动通讯装置,用以自该处理装置接收该M个复制信息封包,并且将该M个复制信息封包解码后传输至该移动通讯装置; 其中当该移动通讯装置接收该M个复制信息封包后,该移动通讯装置解码该M个复制信息封包,以播放该M个复制信 息封包的第一装载内容; 其中该处理装置持续接收该M个信息封包以外的(N-M)个信息封包,并且于接收完毕后将该(N-M)个信息封包传输至该移动通讯装置,并且该移动通讯装置解码该(N-M)个信息封包,以播放该(N-M)个信息封包的第二装载 内容。



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